

Hey Babe!


At Naked Glow we understand that reducing our environmental impact with numerous initiatives along the value chain can help our environment, these include avoiding plastic bags in our store, choosing more sustainable packaging and using fewer toxic chemicals for manufacturing. These measures are all designed to tackle the pollution that comes with the production and distribution process.


We have also implemented measures such as educating our consumers about how recycle and expose of their packaging correctly, Our packaging is all made from corrugate cardboard as has little to no plastic.


Naked Glow recognizes the harmful effects its operations have on both the local and global environment and is committed to reducing them.


We promise to continually source & use the cleanest, most ethical ingredients available to us.

Our strategy ?


Minimize waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.

Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers.

Source and promote a product range to minimize the environmental impact of both production and distribution.
Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the Company.


To minimize the environmental impact, shipping is made via one bulk delivery to our company. Packaging and packing materials will be minimized but will be of sufficient standard in order to ensure goods reach the appointed location in pristine condition.




How to Recycle Naked Glow?


When recycling, it’s so important to separate materials by category, so: paper, plastic, glass. Also, please rinse out your bottles before popping them in the bin, to make sure there’s no left over product in there.

Corrugated cardboard -Our packaging is made corrugated boxes which are always recyclable and the recyclability and reusability distinguishes them as our most favored packaging material therefore you can simply dispose of our boxes easily in your recycling bin.

Crush it – Our corrugated cardboard packaging on our mousse boxes, tan mitts and our postal boxes can be flattened to save space in your recycling bin.

Love our lids - Plastic caps that accompany our Mousse bottles, can go in with the recycling too.


Our values

Quality & Excellence

We are committed to delivering high-quality products that match your skin needs. We promise to create only 100% vegan & cruelty free products.


Exceptional Ingredients

At Naked Glow, our wide selection of products contains high-quality, natural, and approved ingredients that deliver seamless results. Some of these ingredients include Vitamin E, which protects you against the harmful UV rays emitted by the sun and Aloe Vera extracts, which have proven to improve skin complexions and radiances.



We are determined to remain honest in everything we do. All ingredients are on the label. We are truthful to ourselves, our clients, and our partners. We source ingredients and distribute our products with integrity.